Miss America Contestants

Sugena Shakya Crowned Miss Newa 2010

5:49 PM MissGrandSlam.Com 0 Comments

Everyone who had gathered at the Nepal Academy waited tolerantly for the announcement of new Miss Newa 2010. As the seven finalists of the last round stood there crossing their fingers, Sugena Shakya was declared the winner. Her answer, “I believe in equal rights for men and women. And the idea of ‘lady’s first’ should be discarded because it demotivates women” to the question do you consider in the equal rights or ‘lady’s first’ won her the title and the crown.

Sugena Shakya was awarded Rs 25,000 in cash and gift voucher worth Rs 10,000. Lasta Shrestha was the first runner-up, while Nisha Shakya was crowned the second runner-up. Twelve other titles were also given out at the event.

Organised by the Nepal Fashion Home, the sixth Miss Newa contest had 36 girls from the Newar community participating in the pageant.

After the introduction round, top 16 participants were chosen out of which the top seven participants faced the final question.

The event that started off with an influential piece also had cultural dance performances.

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